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    ORNAMIN GmbH & Co. KG

    Trippeldamm 10 b

    http://www.ornamin.de http://www.ornamin.de

    +49 571 95606-0

    Our in- mould labels allow low- cost and – above all – durable decorations. Decorative foils are used for a variety of injection moulding applications. Our high- quality in- mould labels are finally applied within the most various industrial fields. We are only using foils being developed for long- life durability. No matter if SAN, ABS, ASA, PS, PC, PET, PMMA or PP/PE; we are capable to meet your requirements for your appropriate foil. We offer foils in thicknesses of 50 up to 400 µm. Did we spark your interest in our foils? We will be glad to talk about / discuss your project / your questions. Please feel free to contact us by phone oremail.

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